Thabat Survey Research and opinion polls

A research institution, founded in 2023 as an independent center for research, policy studies and public consulting. It is an emerging institution for optimal investment in research, surveys, data collection, representative sampling methodologies, data analysis, writing of reports and research papers, and the use of experts in various fields to achieve the highest standards of accuracy and credibility.

The Center carries out numerous research activities, including preparing studies and applied research related to current Palestinian policies, conducting opinion surveys on the political, social, and economic conditions of Palestinian society, providing institutional and programmatic consultations and assessments and local governance, holding of conferences, lectures and summaries on topical issues, and other activities.

Thabat Survey Research and Opinion Polls is committed to objectivity and scientific integrity. The Center also invested in experts to oversee political research and governance, field research and researchers with expertise in the field.

The idea of establishing the center stemmed from the best experts in research, surveys, data collection, representative sampling methodologies and data analysis, writing reports, research papers and other various fields to reach the highest levels of accuracy, credibility, work and stability.

The center also invested in experts to oversee field work and researchers with expertise in the field who worked in dozens of survey research in data collection through face-to-face interviews with samples represented in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem.

It also develops data collection mechanisms as provided by the world's best modern technologies, advanced data collection programmes and field control mechanisms based on modern technologies.

The center also worked to create a team of consultants in scientific methodologies, survey research, economic and legal studies, local governance and other different fields. It also relies on scientific methodologies in the selection of representative samples and follows rigorous working and follow-up approaches to ensure access to high-quality data.